Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Tuesday, 07 May 2024

Webinar Career Preparation: Prepare Your Excellent Carrer From Now

Berita Umum | 03 Agustus 2023 10:34 wib Empower yourself for a thriving career!

Invest in Your Career Growth Today!

Open Registration Webinar for Career Preparation is an investment in yourself and your future success. Gain the knowledge and confidence to excel in your professional life. The possibilities are limitless, so why wait? Enroll now and unlock your true potential!

Date: Sunday, 6 August 2023 
Time: 10.00 WIB - Finished
Place: Zoom Meeting
Contibution: Free!!

Benefits that can be obtained:
1. Webinar with career support sessions,
2. A more real picture of the world of work,
3. E-certificate,
4. Expanding the network,
5. Opportunity to share and discuss with resource persons who are experts in their fields.

???? Registration link:

For more information:

081295886917 (Akram)
085748172199 (Aldi)

https://sdm.fpik.unmul.ac.id/wp-content/fonts/slot5000/ http://www.cofen.gov.br/wp-content/upgrade/toto-togel/
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